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Image: Laser scarecrows set up in experimental flight pen in Gainesville, Florida, US.

Laser scarecrows aim to make birds see red

By Oliver Morrison

Damage to crops caused by birds costs millions of dollars each year. Now, researchers from the University of Florida and the University of Rhode Island in the US are investigating the effectiveness of laser scarecrows – a high-tech solution using light...

Diatomaceous earth remains the go-to beer filtration aid for most brewers. Image: Getty/MonaMakela

Brewing up change in beer filtration

By Oliver Morrison

Industrial filtration specialist Pall Corporation tells AgTechNavigator why it wants to help the brewing industry transition to more sustainable manufacturing processes by avoiding the use of diatomaceous earth.

Image: Getty/bim

New report addresses regenerative agriculture ‘knowledge-gap’

By Oliver Morrison

A widespread lack of consumer knowledge of regenerative, sustainable or nature-friendly farming marks a golden opportunity for organisations to adopt nature-friendly techniques to respond to their customers’ demands, research reveals.

Image: Getty/Marcus Chung

Microbes could help reduce the need for chemical fertilisers

By Oliver Morrison

Chemical engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIS) have developed a coating that protects nitrogen-fixing bacteria from heat and humidity, which they claim could allow them to be deployed for large-scale agricultural use.

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