Save the bees: new brand lifts off to preserve falling populations

By Oliver Morrison

- Last updated on GMT

Image: Getty/Gary Yeowell
Image: Getty/Gary Yeowell

Related tags bees pollination biodiversity

Agtech company Terra Vera has launched a new division to address the critical issue of declining bee populations.

Global bee populations are decreasing for a number of reasons including natural habitat loss and the use of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, which are harming bee health.

Shifting climate patterns are disrupting bee behavior and ecosystems, while bees face threats from various pests and pathogens.

Bees, meanwhile, play a crucial role in agriculture. They help produce about 1/3 of our food supply by pollinating fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other crops. Wild bees contribute significantly to crop pollination, accounting for about 25% of insect agricultural pollination in the US.

Beyond direct agricultural benefits, bees also help provide half of the world's fibers, oils, and other raw materials. Support the growth of many trees and other plants, contributing to the overall health of ecosystems, and provide food for wildlife through their pollination of wild plants.

In summary, bees are indispensable to agriculture due to their pollination services, which support crop production, maintain biodiversity, and contribute significantly to the global economy. Their importance underscores the need for conservation efforts to protect bee populations and ensure the sustainability of our food systems.

A 'critical' time for bees and biodiversity  

In response, US-based Terra Vera is launching ApiVera, a new division and brand to address the critical issue of declining bee populations.

Under the ApiVera brand – the name is inspired by the Latin words for ‘bee’ (api) and ‘true’ (vera) – Terra Vera will continue to develop bee-specific chemistries and products that combat parasites and other stressors leading to bee mortality.

One of the first ApiVera offerings will be a portable system ideal for smaller commercial beekeeping operations and hobbyists alike. The products will feature Terra Vera’s proprietary solutions based on biomimicry technology, which are biodegradable and non-toxic for humans, animals, and the environment.

ApiVera said the launch could not come at a more critical time, with the population of honey bee colonies continuously threatened. Since 2006, commercial beekeepers in the United States have reported honeybee colony loss rates averaging 30% each winter — a significant issue when compared to the historical loss rates of 10 to 15%.

“Building off Terra Vera’s foundational work in crop management solutions that are pollinator-friendly, we felt compelled to do our part to preserve bee populations,” said Carlos Perea, CEO and Co-Founder of Terra Vera. “Bees play a vital role in food security and we are excited to help beekeepers of all types increase the health and vitality of their colonies. In turn this will help ensure we continue to have affordable access to the many crops that rely on honeybee pollination such as apples, almonds, berries and so many more.”

Terra Vera’s steps in addressing the issue of declining bee populations include introducing miticide and nutrient-based solutions that are made with biodegradable ingredients such as food-grade amino acids. Terra Vera is pursuing an EPA registration of its proprietary miticide.

It is also developing and launching a proprietary electrolytic fogger for beehive applications, and publishing field studies on the efficacy of its nutrient solution in promoting bee health and of its miticide reducing Varroa mite counts.

Additionally, in May 2024, Terra Vera announced that Dr. Jeff Pettis, a renowned entomologist who specialies in apiculture and honey bee health, had joined the company as an advisor and industry consultant.

By launching ApiVera with a dedicated focus on developing and expanding the reach of bee health solutions, we can help more beekeepers than ever before and in turn make a positive impact on our environment and food systems around the globe,” Dr. Pettis said.

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